Online-Archiv - Online Seminare
Online Archive | Recordings of past online seminars
Welcome to our online archive! On this page you will find an overview of all past online seminars
You could not attend an online seminar due to scheduling reasons or you missed an interesting topic? Don't worry: In our archive you will find the recordings of past online seminars of Bureau Veritas Germany, Switzerland and Austria On-Demand.
- 14.11.2022 "Wie Sie ein erfolgreiches Anti-Korruptions-Managementsystem nach ISO 37001 aufbauen und worauf Sie achten müssen!" (ger.) with Maresa Embacher, Günther Daubner und Reinhold Steinmaurer
- 09.12.2021: "KRITISV 2.0 – Welchen Anforderungen müssen Betreiber Kritischer Infrastrukturen ab Januar 2022 nachkommen?" (ger.) with Marcus Pussel
- 06.07.2022: "Ihr Weg zum erfolgreichen Integrierten Managementsystem - Teil 1" (ger.) with Andrea Kruck und Christian Backes
Health and safety at work
- 12.10.2020: "Safeguard Label - Nachweis von Hygienemaßnahmen (dt.)" with Cyril Rüegg
- 14.10.2020: "Safeguard Label - Verification of hygiene measures (engl.)" with Nacéra Hammouda
Import and Export Services
- 19.09.2023: "Tanzania Verification of conformity and ecolevy program" (English)) with Judith Hoenig and Matthias Esswein
- 14.06.2023: "Exports to North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Libya) – What legal requirements need to be considered?" (Engl. & French) with Fernanda Trilles und Amina Ou Moha
- 22.03.2023: "Exports to Egypt - Ensure compliance of your goods to the local regulations" with Fernanda Trilles and Marco Müller
- 21.03.2023: "Exports to Mauritania: New Verification of Conformity Program" with Fernanda Trilles and Matthias Esswein
- 28.02.2023: "Exports to Iraq : Requirements of the Verification of Conformity Program" (Engl.) with Fernanda Trilles
- 07.12.2022: "Exporting Industrial Goods to Northern Africa and Middle East" (Engl.) with Marco Müller, Frank Würzner and Fernanda Trilles
- 29.09.2022 "Exportieren nach Nigeria - Erforderliche Schritte für eine reibungslose Zollabfertigung" (Engl.) with Fernanda Trilles
- 23.08.2022: "Exporing to Ghana - Smooth and facilitated customs clearance with the EasyPASS certificat" with Fernanda Trilles
- 07.06.2022 "Exporting to Iraq: Voc Program" (Engl.)with Nidhi Weiss and Fernanda Trilles
- 24.05.2022: Exporting to Congo Brazzaville : New Conformity Assessment Program with Fernanda Trilles
- 05.04.2022: "Exports to Nigeria: Requirements of the SONCAP Conformity Assessment Program" with Fernanda Trilles
- 30.03.2022: "Exportieren nach Marokko: Wichtige Informationen zum Konformitätsbewertungsprogramm" with Fernanda Trilles and Nidhi Weiss
- 29.03.2022 : "Exports to Morocco: Important Information regarding the Conformity Assessment Program" with Fernanda Trilles and Nidhi Weiss
- 26.01.2022: "Loading & Offloading Inspections of goods shipped to Qatar" (engl.) with Fernanda Trilles, Stephanie Peyrot and Ahmet Ashour
- 17.01.2022: "Restart VoC Program Iraq" (engl.) with Nidhi Weiss and Stephanie Peyrot
Do you have questions regarding our import and export services? Please feel free to contact us.
Trainings & Seminars
- 19.09.2022: "Einführung: Treibhausgas-Bilanzierung & Carbon Footprint" (German) with Ulrich Gabriel and Benjamin Pucknus
- 06.07.2022: "Ihr Weg zum erfolgreichen Integrierten Managementsystem - Teil 1" (ger.) with Andrea Kruck and Christian Backes
- 30.04.2020: "ISO 22301 - Business Continuity Management" (ger.) with Ulrich Gabriel
- 15.06.2020: "ISO 19011:2018 - Das Fernaudit - Remote Auditmethoden" (ger.) with Ulrich Gabriel
- 09.03.2023: "Carbon Footprint - An introduction to the assessment method and verification according to international standards" with Nacéra Hammouda
- 07.03.2023: "Carbon Footprint – An introduction to the assessment method and verification according to international standards" with Marisol Engelhardt (German)
- 21.06.2022: "UKCA-Marking for Industrial Products (German)" with Jörg Stielow
- 23.09.2021: "EPC Day 2021 – Das neue Lieferkettengesetz und Fertigungsüberwachung beim Hersteller" in cooperation with VECTRA International
- 13.05.2020: "Remote Inspektionen" with Mark Temme
- 09.07.2020: "Qualitätssicherung & Terminüberwachung beim Lieferanten in Pandemiezeiten" with Marian Zywietz, Birgit Klosek und Frank Würzner
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