
Secura Online Seminars: Cyber Security

Sep 30 2022

Bureau Veritas offers online seminars in the field of cyber security in cooperation with its subsidiary "Secura".


Cyber security is a very important topic for companies and individuals these days. Stay up to date on the latest developments in cyber security and continuously learn new things.

Register now for our online seminars and increase the cyber security within your company.

Psychology in Cybersecurity

06.10.2022 | 11 AM CEST | Online (English)

Previous attempts to make employees of organizations more resilient have largely focused on enhancing awareness. However, psychology shows that a gap exists between awareness (knowing what you should do) and behavior (what you actually do).

To solve this, many security professionals have the tendency to jump to solutions, without knowing which solution will be most effective. This webinar will provide insights into how people’s behavior is composed and what influence organizational cultures have on the resilience of employees in information security. This knowledge helps cybersecurity professionals to target their efforts more specifically, contributing to more effective cybersecurity campaigns. Risks in cybersecurity are evolving rapidly, and addressing these risks can be challenging. You want your employees to be aware of the risks, and you want them to act accordingly.

How can you keep up with the pace of change in cybersecurity threats? How do you know you are secure and that your employees show desired behavior? Our psychologists will shed their light on how to address these risks from a scientific perspective.

Psychology in Cybersecurity


  • If they know it, they will do it - A common misconception about human behavior
  • How to measure behavioral risks
  • How to address behavioral risks
  • Q&A

The NIS2 Directive: Raising Cyber Resilience Across Europe

13.10.2022 | 11 AM CEST | Online (English) 

EU legislators have recently reached a provisional agreement on the revised Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2). This is a much-needed update of Europe’s flagship cybersecurity legislation that will tighten cybersecurity requirements to companies and governments and apply them to more key industries. Over 160,000 organizations across Europe will have to meet higher security standards and face fines when they breach their obligations.

Please join Secura & Bureau Veritas in a series of webinars around the NIS2 directive. In this first episode we invite Rapporteur Bart Groothuis who negotiated the NIS2 on behalf of the European Parliament, to be our guest. He will explain the need for this updated legislation, its contents and potential impact on different sectors. He will also give you a look behind the scenes and talk about the challenges he experienced in getting this directive approved across Europe. Join us on the 13th of October, ask your questions and learn what the adoption of NIS2 potentially means for your organization!


Secura Webinar NIS2 Directive
  • Introduction of the NIS Directive
  • Why the update?
  • How and when will this come into effect
  • What has changed in the directive?
  • What impact will it have on your organization?
  • How to comply?
  • Live Q&A